911 is a Quadriplegic Lie
This is another of the Conspiracy Theories I’ve been doing recently. SW It’s common knowledge the official 911 story is a lie. So I won’t go over it in great detail. But if one part of the story is uncovered …
This is another of the Conspiracy Theories I’ve been doing recently. SW It’s common knowledge the official 911 story is a lie. So I won’t go over it in great detail. But if one part of the story is uncovered …
Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com) ©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved In the Sex & the New World Disorder article, I explained how the Zionists that control Congress and the White House hope for a one-world government and one-world money, with them and …
Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com) ©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved The reason conspiracy theories are often true, is because they come from investigators and whistleblowers that are intimately linked to the source of the lies, and the manipulation and violence of …
I posted a vision I had on March 17th of a bird strike, it happened today to a Delta flight in the US. Here is what I wrote http://www.stuartwilde.com/2012/03/airplane-vision/ Here is the BBC video of today’s incident http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-17788229
Japan is making ready to evacuate 40 million people, and they are thinking of sending 10 million to China to inhabit the Chinese ghost cities that have been built in remote areas that lie vacant and abandoned. Stuart Wilde http://www.readersupportednews.org/news-section2/344-208/11006-russia-stunned-after-japanese-plan-to-evacuate-40-million-revealed