Baby hedgehog. Sent in by an Australian reader. Gaia is very beautiful (sw)
Baby hedgehog. Sent in by an Australian reader. Gaia is very beautiful (sw)
I first learned about the Solar Logos via a four-hour conversation with Trevor Ravenscroft, who wrote The Spear of Destiny. He saw it as the celestial light of the Returned Jesus that he said would come to the world to …
A couple of nights ago I had the most extraordinary vision of Jesus on the cross on Golgotha. It looked very much like this video except it was ever more bleak, it felt like the world was ending. When I …
I saw a vision of Mr. V from the “V for Vendetta” film. He had his hands crossed as pictured here. The hands are a symbol of the Lamb of God. My Vision of Mr. V So I watched V …
These images of very tall beings come from the Lord of the Rings film. We see being like this all the time, sometimes they are gold and sometimes they look more authoritative or military. Generally the taller a being is …