The Love of God
The love of God keeps you safe but first this. What we call God is a celestial light that gives rise to the myriad dimensions of heaven that are located inside the holographic fields-upon-fields. Every grain of sand has all …
The love of God keeps you safe but first this. What we call God is a celestial light that gives rise to the myriad dimensions of heaven that are located inside the holographic fields-upon-fields. Every grain of sand has all …
An Overview of the Global Karma I said in my books ages ago that the global-ego will now take a big hit, and that will force the collective global-shadow to come out. Suddenly we will see people’s evil out front, …
At the Amsterdam gig in 2009 almost the whole audience (225 people) dematerialized during one process that I showed them. I was happy about that because until you see it you can’t believe it. And I did a process that …
I was on an Aya’ journey when I began to see the You Tube clips I’ve placed at my channel stuartwilde1. I watched an image of myself like a photo side into a You Tube clip from 90°coming in from …
I did the White Rock B.C. gig it went good almost 300 came, which was brilliant given we only promoted the event for two weeks. Thanks everyone for your love and support. I have to move sideways to prepare for …