The Stag
One dark night when fighting the ghouls I came upon a stag that was under attack. It was so covered in ghouls I could hardly make out its poor body; its horns were all tangled and deformed as the ghouls …
One dark night when fighting the ghouls I came upon a stag that was under attack. It was so covered in ghouls I could hardly make out its poor body; its horns were all tangled and deformed as the ghouls …
The eternal Tao is the grace in all things. It is the living sprit from which the ten thousand things emerged. It has the power of a higher knowing for it perpetuates itself even in adverse circumstances. It is the …
In the early days of the Morph we first started seeing beings arrive here on earth; I called them Tall Boys, even though the first two I ever saw were female. The men and the women stand eight to ten …
These images of very tall beings come from the Lord of the Rings film. We see being like this all the time, sometimes they are gold and sometimes they look more authoritative or military. Generally the taller a being is …