The Collapse of CNN
Englishman Piers Morgan, replaced the legendary Larry King at CNN. King is not keen on Piers Morgan, he says Morgan injects himself too much into interviews and he does not let the other person speak. Morgan is so stuck up …
Englishman Piers Morgan, replaced the legendary Larry King at CNN. King is not keen on Piers Morgan, he says Morgan injects himself too much into interviews and he does not let the other person speak. Morgan is so stuck up …
The Christos Water I don’t like to post too many testimonials, we get many, but here’s a cute one from a lady that healed her cat using the new Christos Water that has replaced the Avalon Mist water. We are …
Sandy Hook is a massive lie. Here’s radio interview (12.25 mins) with Jeff Rense and Jay Weidner discussing the families of the victims, who were all pictured laughing and smiling, and Rense and Weidner talk to him about the Batman …
Sandy Hook is a Massive Lie-Rense & Weidner (video) Read more »
Aspergers Syndrome is on the lower end of the Autistic Spectrum. Children and adults with Aspergers often have difficulties with social interaction and communication and may interpret creative thought and use their imagination in different ways from others. Some children …
Mothers of children that became autistic after they had the compulsory MMR jab against measles, mumps and rubella, knew that their children had been disabled. Dr. Andrew Wakefield published his initial research linking MMR to autism in the Lancet, a …