Avian Flu Update
The Americans resurrected the Spanish flu virus that they had stored since 1918. They sent it to the Eramus Medical Center in Holland for it to be upgraded to H5N1, so it would become an airborne flu for maximum effect. …
The Americans resurrected the Spanish flu virus that they had stored since 1918. They sent it to the Eramus Medical Center in Holland for it to be upgraded to H5N1, so it would become an airborne flu for maximum effect. …
Now if Luxembourg could attack Belgium, that would be fun. I’ve seen many visions of explosions (100+) and not much else recently. Now these war stories might be troubling, but war is how the regimes fall in the end, …
I said before that humans who are very evil give off methane and a slight odour of sulphur dioxide, sometimes they smell like a rotting swamp. It can make you spontaneously vomit. A friend of mine was in an elevator …
I saw something. Imagine if you could knock off an evil politician and get away with it, the next day they would appoint another. Then you fry a banker on Wall Street and they appoint another. Then you wallop a …