Jesus and the Chicken
I thought to post this one again. The current flu in H3N1. The more deadly flu is H5N1. I saw a vision of five chickens in an alley by a dumpster. So, I thought that symbolised the H5N1. And then …
I thought to post this one again. The current flu in H3N1. The more deadly flu is H5N1. I saw a vision of five chickens in an alley by a dumpster. So, I thought that symbolised the H5N1. And then …
A eunuch goes to a building site for a job. The foreman said, “I can’t hire you because you are a eunuch”. The eunuch replied, “I may be a eunuch and have no testicles, but I can work as hard …
Sometimes I travel with the Aluna soldiers and visionaries down to the deepest hell worlds, where the beings are very ancient and very evil; they are various manifestations of deformed monsters, grotesque, and dead humans, not a pretty sight! Some …
By Stuart Wilde I go through about 100 Internet articles and a dozen YouTubes a day looking for snippets the Stuie Wilde readers might like. A lot of the Internet is rants and hatred, people pitted against each other. Then …
The Divisions ….Are Resolved Eventually in The Brave New World Read more »
I decided to pop into Burger King wid m’ horse, because 29% of their burgers are horse meat. The horses don’t like it. I’m a vegetarian, but I don’t campaign against meat eaters, live and let live. But meat is …