The Farmer of Karma
Gaia is the farmer of karma in so much as she collects what we have sown, what is due to her. Our karma is very solidly entrenched around us but we can change it with awareness and softness. Say you …
Gaia is the farmer of karma in so much as she collects what we have sown, what is due to her. Our karma is very solidly entrenched around us but we can change it with awareness and softness. Say you …
New Age folk talk of spirit guides. Their belief comes from the fact they believe they are guided from other worlds. Sometimes they believe there is a kindly relative in the sprit world helping, akin to the Native American belief …
I try to be precise and open on world issues, but there are certain things I’ve been shown in visions I can’t write about in detail. This is because a vision, while it may prove to be very accurate, cannot …
Sometimes I’d sit in the Dog & Duck for hours and tell stories, true stories of strange happenings; quirky stories to make people laugh. I’ll enjoy telling my stories here from time-to-time, stories of high-mysticism and strangeness, of things …
Internet censorship is already here and it will get worse. YouTube deleted Snordelhans’ account because they do videos on the New World Order and the corruption of the elite Zionist Jews. Press TV has been cancelled in Spain when the …