Emailing the Gods
I sit in my bed at 3.03am which is my strongest time and I record prayers to the Gods. I start with thanks and then I move out from there. All my prayers are the same. I don’t ask for a …
I sit in my bed at 3.03am which is my strongest time and I record prayers to the Gods. I start with thanks and then I move out from there. All my prayers are the same. I don’t ask for a …
By Stuart Wilde Humans suffer greatly because they are in a spiritual-mental void, it comes from the unexplored inner self; the wounds of childhood. To heal your self forever, you have to be brave enough to peer into that void. …
The Oscar’s Teddy bear was accused of being Anti-Semitic for talking about the Jews in Hollywood. The show was written by the Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane. I’m sure people knew what they would get, he’s known for his blunt …
Salt therapy originates from the Eastern European tradition of spending time in natural salt caves for health. It is believed that it benefits asthmatics, cystic fibrosis patients, and a host of other respiratory and skin ailments including psoriasis and eczema. Plus …
A comedian, Beppe Grillo’s party has won the lower house in Italy. Beppe is anti-establishment and he’s anti the money lenders and the EU. He’s pledged to lower taxes and end the austerity that was inflicted on Italy by the …
Beppe’s Sicilian Salute, “F” you and Your Little Dog Too… Read more »