The Tears of Gaia
I’m making a new You Tube video called the Tears of Gaia, it will be very beautiful and we will have new website up soon of the same name. (We’ll let you know when). Lovelock referred to the intelligence of …
I’m making a new You Tube video called the Tears of Gaia, it will be very beautiful and we will have new website up soon of the same name. (We’ll let you know when). Lovelock referred to the intelligence of …
I’m spending a bomb right now buying full page ads in New Age mag’s in America and other places trying to find the Stuie Wilde people, as now is the time for people to take a closer order, for something …
Here is a piece I wrote to punt a book to a publisher on the animals, you might like it, all the best Stuie Wilde The Spiritual Evolution of Animals Stuart Wilde – April 2009 Chapter One: An Over View …
In the great fights the Hammerhead* and I have had with the ghouls, we have come to see what they don’t like, what disempowers them and makes them sick and what confuses them and forces them to back off. It …
I’ve been censored a lot in recent times. An editor called Tania from a New Age Mag’ in England called Kindred Spirit Kindred Spit-it, Devon, England booked an interview with me then she called it off a few hours before …