Shimmer in the Glimmer
Regular readers please forgive me if I run a short re-cap below for any newcomers that are not familiar with the new theology and the terms I use. There is a dimension opposite us that I call the Aluna-Mirror World. …
Regular readers please forgive me if I run a short re-cap below for any newcomers that are not familiar with the new theology and the terms I use. There is a dimension opposite us that I call the Aluna-Mirror World. …
The winter solstice (December 20-22) marks the last days of the old sun and the birth of the new sun. It was a sacred time in the Taoist tradition. The monks of old China would fast for three days on …
In the inner worlds the Solar Logos is seen as a radiant celestial sun that powers and warms the celestial heavens. Author Trevor Ravenscroft said that the Returned Jesus is inside the Solar Logos; later I came to see he …
M’ ol teacher said “Tolerate everything and skim the lake.” By ‘skim the lake’ he meant purify yourself and process your darkness bit-by-bit. In changing times we have to be fluid and adapt and prove we are centered and balanced …
Gold has started to rocket once more. It hit $1340 yesterday. So my prediction has come good. I’m happy for those readers that sold their assets and houses and bought gold, the property market is unlikely to ever recover. The …