The Age of Chaos
The Age of Chaos is banging on the door on a stormy night, demanding to be let in. The Western world is drowning in debt created by irresponsible politicians that spent maniacally to keep themselves in power. And Gaia hits …
The Age of Chaos is banging on the door on a stormy night, demanding to be let in. The Western world is drowning in debt created by irresponsible politicians that spent maniacally to keep themselves in power. And Gaia hits …
On the night of Kalki’s return July 31st 2011, I saw his spear at 2. am hovering close to my right. I have golden a rule that I teach people, which is to never take or accept anything offered in …
“The Group Soul of our planet, like a giant prehistoric creature rising from its primordial state, has become aware that its destiny lies in a higher consciousness. Nations will give way to states, who in turn will give way to …
I often see a man all dressed in white on a white horse firing arrows. I’m not sure if this is the horseman from Revelation or Kalki on his horse Devadatta. Kalki on Devadatta Kalki apocalypse_b.jpg – The bow …
Here I posted my visions of the landing of the celestial sun the Solar Logos, and my visions of Jesus walking out of a higher dimension into this one here in 3-D (See archives: The Second Coming Came). In the …