Tips I Learned from the Ghoul Wars
I hope this isn’t too long but here’s a bit more that is hard to mention but it is important. I’m a veteran of a three and a half year ghoul war. I learned a lot. I went to fight …
I hope this isn’t too long but here’s a bit more that is hard to mention but it is important. I’m a veteran of a three and a half year ghoul war. I learned a lot. I went to fight …
I wrote twenty books, and a total of five million words, a book is about 50,000 words, so one hundred books worth of words. I answered 40,000-50,000 readers’ questions over fifteen years and I did seven music albums and other …
I have to go to other things now, I’ve been assigned a new task, so I’m closing this blog soon. Here is my last post, it explains what’s happening now on earth. People thought me nuts, they were cruel towards …
(9.51 GMT Friday August 24 2011) I’m thrilled gold has gone to $1860 this morning, all my readers that bought gold have made out brilliantly. I first recommended it at $290, then again when the Redeemers Club started (Nov 2006) …
I popped into the Dog and Duck to see the mythical Darlene, her mum has been poorly recently, so Darlene’s only working part-time now. I met a very interesting villain who told me he had a near-death experience when he …