The White Owl
In the Aluna dimensions, which are vast, the animals, birds and insects, play a major role, one mostly unbeknown to humans. The panthers act as protectors of humans, as does the white lion, and the wolf and the bear, fight …
In the Aluna dimensions, which are vast, the animals, birds and insects, play a major role, one mostly unbeknown to humans. The panthers act as protectors of humans, as does the white lion, and the wolf and the bear, fight …
I posted here on October 23 2011, a vision I saw of the flare up of hostilities in the Horn of Africa. Well, a few days ago, an American drone like the one pictured here, crashed in Somalia. US drone …
I’ve seen visions of Margaret Thatcher every day for the last several days. She was known as the ‘Iron Lady of British Politics’. She served as Prime Minister from 1979-1990. She was very conservative and hard. She fought with the …
I saw a vision of a second earthquake, or it might have been an explosion at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan. Fukushima – Nuclear Plant It very clear and I heard the word “Fukushima” while watching the vision. People …
I saw a vision of an old-fashioned banking hall, in front of the counters was a lawn mower—it was an incredible looking machine. The bucket the grass goes in was all brass as were the handles, it looked like a …
Collapse of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Read more »