O Come, O Come Emmanuel
My mate Emmanuel from Germany came for a visit…. so I stuck this up for a laugh. It is a beautiful song if you have time to listen to it. I added a verse to the traditional lyrics. Cecilia is …
My mate Emmanuel from Germany came for a visit…. so I stuck this up for a laugh. It is a beautiful song if you have time to listen to it. I added a verse to the traditional lyrics. Cecilia is …
I saw a bizarre vision of a sheik paddling a canoe. The Arabian Peninsular is a desert, the only way “ya man” can be out there in a canoe, is if the seas rise. The cruel reign of the oil …
There is a type of Aluna being we call “The Nutters,” they are the Aluna selves of humans that are under stress, they do odd things. I saw one dressed as a waiter with a tray of drinks in the …
Hillery Billery the wife of Bill Clinton is the US foreign secretary, she’s a bit demonically possessed. She’s looking after the US’s interests overseas, people felt that was a bit less scary than having her working at …
Years ago some cubes appeared in the lines of my hands. There are two particularly prominent cubes that are still there in the center of both my hands. Next to the first cubes, there appeared, again in the lines on …