Alcohol and Pot
Pot and weed are dangerous as they open a portal to the ghoul worlds. If you have to smoke, then have a spliff Saturday night as a special treat, and don’t ever smoke in the place you live, have ya …
Pot and weed are dangerous as they open a portal to the ghoul worlds. If you have to smoke, then have a spliff Saturday night as a special treat, and don’t ever smoke in the place you live, have ya …
It’s possible that Mormon Mitt Romney may become President of the United States. Mormons believe God lives on a planet called Kolab. They also believe that black people sinned in another incarnation, so that is why they were born black …
I did 91 healings at Kelowna BC. And later I went to Cranbrook and did some there (25), one lady drove from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan to Cranbrook BC, a distance of 2012 klms round trip. Bless her. I’ve done 2411 …
A testimonial about healing gout. “Since late 80’s I have had serious experiences with gout and have had to take several types of medications over the years, although by becoming mostly vegetarian (occasional fish) the occurrences of Gout decreased to some …
The only safety is in softness and beauty. Now that the Forces of Light have fought their way in here, it will take four years for them to bring the global-ego to its realizations. It has to be shown its …