Tsung Tsung Child Piano Prodigy Aged 5
This kid is brilliant I love the way he grins and laughs with his dad. (3.53) Stuart Wilde stuartwilde.com
This kid is brilliant I love the way he grins and laughs with his dad. (3.53) Stuart Wilde stuartwilde.com
Terrence Aym …Source pakalertpress.com The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth. Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena …
A business man in Zimbabwe called Clever Kamudzeya was visiting a witch doctor, they are called sagnomas, and witchcraft is also known as JuJu, a bolt of lighting hit the house and killed five people. Of course, lightening doesn’t explode …
Witch Doctor’s House Hit by Mysterious Lightening Bolt Read more »
Sexting, is a modern phenomena, it’s the act of sending sexually explicit photographs, nude pics and texts between mobile phones, it is becoming ever more prevalent amongst teenagers. In a candid article in The Telegraph (Jan 23rd 2013) Allison Pearson …
One of our readers explained how she fought against the black attention of her dark neighbours. I thought what she saw was very interesting, as she made a stand against forces that were making her feel unwell. Letter from a …