Pillars of Light
I was at the foot of the Cayambe volcano in Ecuador, it was a crystal clear night, there was snow on the mountain top, the stars were out in a vast brilliance. I started to see many pillars of light …
I was at the foot of the Cayambe volcano in Ecuador, it was a crystal clear night, there was snow on the mountain top, the stars were out in a vast brilliance. I started to see many pillars of light …
I saw a vision of a large golden disk, it was behind my head, it was three or four feet across. On it were triangular segments like slices in a pie crust. On those segments were sacred formulas and ancient …
I’ve visions of Sikhs in turbans making ready for war, there’s new fighting coming in Kashmir and/or the Punjab. The punch-up there between Pakistan and India at their northern border has been going on a long time. The Sikhs want …
This morning about 3 a.m. I saw a vision of a woman in the window of a three storey house. I was looking up at her from the street. She was very agitated; there was some kind of danger present. …
In Revelation Chap 8.1o–11 it says: “The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch, and it fell on one third of the rivers, and on the springs of the waters. The name …