Greek Squeak
The government of Greece decided the way to pay down the hundreds of billions they have paid to themselves and their crooked bankers, is to reduce the minimum wage by 22%, down to €570 a month or €3.25 an hour. …
The government of Greece decided the way to pay down the hundreds of billions they have paid to themselves and their crooked bankers, is to reduce the minimum wage by 22%, down to €570 a month or €3.25 an hour. …
St. Valentine is generally thought to have been a Christian Roman priest, who was martyred by the Emperor Claudius Gothicus in 269 AD. Valentine performed marriages between Christian couples which was illegal, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate. (excerpted …
A women in America called the emergency services on 911 because her local branch of McDonalds had run out of chicken McNuggets. And a man called 911 because the clerk at McDonalds’ take out widow had left an orange juice …
Hi Guys, I mentioned Gulf Keystone (GKP-LSE) at £1.44 and again at £2.33, it just hit £4.05 this morning. They say there is a bid coming if you bought it take half of your profit now in case the bid …
Love this bloke, he talks about spontaneous healing, makes so much sense. Stuart Wilde