Night Out
I don’t drink much anymore, just occasionally, but I still like going with the lads to the pub. One lad had so little blood in his alcohol stream, he pissed on his leg and caught fire. I like the boys …
I don’t drink much anymore, just occasionally, but I still like going with the lads to the pub. One lad had so little blood in his alcohol stream, he pissed on his leg and caught fire. I like the boys …
I heard this narration in the Aluna spirit worlds and my mate Richard Tyler kindly made it into a You Tube for me, it’s really touching. Stuart Wilde
Jesus’ Gold Light I was talking to a lady about compassion, she saw it as money for kids in Africa, and sure that is a kindness you can express, but compassion is a feeling of empathy for Gaia, and her …
All 3-D reality including your body is solid and non-solid at the same time, and at it’s core all of reality is a body of information, be it a rock, or a tree, or an animal’s eye, or an entire …
Airplane: Flying on planes is very painful. In the space of four hours or so, the cabin becomes infested with tubes and black vines. The vines come from the crown chakras of the travelers. Gradually the cabin fills up as …