The History of Things to Come
In the early 1700’s, Isaac Newton wrote a book with a great title called “The History of Things to Come”, it was hidden in a chest at the Earl of Portsmouth’s house and not discovered until 1935. Newton sought to …
In the early 1700’s, Isaac Newton wrote a book with a great title called “The History of Things to Come”, it was hidden in a chest at the Earl of Portsmouth’s house and not discovered until 1935. Newton sought to …
Here below is an article I found about New Zealand, the right-wing government is very scary, sad, time to leave I reckon. Stuart Wilde Stuart Wilde ( ©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved NEW ZEALAND INTRODUCES $50,000 FINE FOR DRINKING …
New Zealand Introduces $50,000 fine for Drinking Chamomile Tea Read more »
The traffic speed camera in the UK are a huge blood-sucking con game designed to milk the public. They are often placed behind bushes where the speed limit suddenly drops from say 6O MPH to 40 MPH for no apparent …
The contents of your mind is very important, it acts as an inventory of your karma and spiritual evolution. It is vital to own your mind and not allow what you read or see in the mainstream media to affect …
There are moves afoot in the Aluna Mirror-Worlds to take on the bent cardinals in the Vatican, I think they and the Pope are getting nervous, they are considering arming themselves. “Onwards Christian Soldiers” takes on a whole new meaning. …