Hillary Billary
Hillery Billery the wife of Bill Clinton is the US foreign secretary, she’s a bit demonically possessed. She’s looking after the US’s interests overseas, people felt that was a bit less scary than having her working at …
Hillery Billery the wife of Bill Clinton is the US foreign secretary, she’s a bit demonically possessed. She’s looking after the US’s interests overseas, people felt that was a bit less scary than having her working at …
Years ago some cubes appeared in the lines of my hands. There are two particularly prominent cubes that are still there in the center of both my hands. Next to the first cubes, there appeared, again in the lines on …
Korea has just banned US beef because mad cow disease has been found in the meat. The Japanese said American mad cow wasn’t a problem, as people are glowing lime green in Japan, so mad cow is irrelevant. The US …
I posted a vision I had on March 17th of a bird strike, it happened today to a Delta flight in the US. Here is what I wrote http://www.stuartwilde.com/2012/03/airplane-vision/ Here is the BBC video of today’s incident http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-17788229
Japan is making ready to evacuate 40 million people, and they are thinking of sending 10 million to China to inhabit the Chinese ghost cities that have been built in remote areas that lie vacant and abandoned. Stuart Wilde http://www.readersupportednews.org/news-section2/344-208/11006-russia-stunned-after-japanese-plan-to-evacuate-40-million-revealed