On Healing Chilblains

Here is a testimonial that came in today on healing chilblains from a young lady in Ireland. They are very painful, one’s finger swell up. They can last for months. Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com
“I have been suffering from chilblains on some of my fingers on my right hand for about a year. They swell up and can be quite painful, and it makes doing simple tasks difficult. They are caused by being in the cold and living in Ireland during the winter made them impossible to go away, there is no cure for chilblains, you just have to sit it out and you can get creams that are meant to alleviate the irritating feeling, but they don’t tend to work very well.
I went to South Africa for 10 days during the summer and only at the end of being in constant warmth 24/7, did the swelling go down only slightly, but after a day of being back in Ireland they started again.
Stuart did a healing on them and by the end of the day I couldn’t feel much pain in them and I had more movement in my pinkie finger which was the worst affected. Within under a week the swelling had completely gone down and they were back to normal! And this is still whilst being in Ireland, and in the cold.” K.H. Ireland