Who is Next to Fall?

I reposted the Diana story, as I wondered if the Queen and her husband were next on the list after the Pope. My father was Prince Phillip’s commanding officer for a while when they were both in the Royal Navy. I think they were on HMS Hood that was later sunk at the Battle of the Denmark Strait (1941).
It’s a race to the bottom between Phillip, the Queen and George Bush. There is a warrant out for Bush’s arrest from the International Criminal Court, people say it’s not valid as it was issued in Malaya, but the ICC can sit anywhere, so they will try and serve the warrant if they can.
If they extradite Bush to the Hague, then the 911 story will unravel, and he’ll claim Israel did it. And more dominoes will topple, one against another.
Bullfighting is on its last legs, the Pope’s gone; the meteors are coming in, the demonic possessions have started in earnest and so it’s all dropping into place in the Stuie Wilde predictions department.
© Stuart Wilde 2013 – www.stuartwilde.com