Strange Happenings at the Internet Forums

A friend of mine that is a bit of an Internet addict, posts on various chat forums each day. She posted the Rabbi pedo’ story I wrote on this site to the godlikeproductions forum. She got bumped out and cancelled, then she alleges her emails were hacked seconds later.
But she also got cancelled out of five more forums all at the same time, so all these sites seem linked, fronts for Israel probably, the one site that did not bump her out was David … he’s on the side of truth.
The Jews hire students at about $2000 a month to attack and pillory anyone on the Internet that criticizes Israel or anyone that mentions “the Jews”.
My pedo’ story came from a British TV show called ‘Dispatches’, it was about the nineteen police investigations of Rabbis in England that have been violating Jewish kids, it was not an anti-Jewish thing at all. But just the mention of “the Jews” gets their heckles up. Goebbels is back!
If you want to test if a site or forum is a Mossad/Israeli front, create a fake log in and write some Jewish stuff and see how fast you get bumped off.
The sites my friend suspects are “fronts” that she got bumped off were:
And don’t bother checking You Tube, they heavily censor Israeli stuff, people on the Internet now jokingly call them “Jew Tube”, seems funny to me. They deleted the Dispatches TV show I mentioned above, and they rubbed out Gerald Celente’s Trends Journal site when he won a “violation of copyright case ” in the courts against them. And they deleted Snordelhans because they did New World Order stories and videos about genocide and child murders in Palestine/Israel.
But Jewish companies like Google, eBay, Facebook MySpace, Yahoo, Wikipedia etc., are entitled to do as they wish, censorship is not a crime, but they way they operate as the “Thought Police” is very interesting. They call censorship “community guidelines”. Funny eh? Facebook suspended the Natural News site after they posted an historical quote from Gandhi. The quote reads:
“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”
And the way the Israelis hire students to harass and slander people and attempt to manipulate option on the Internet is scurrilous, it is all part of the “Grand Lies” it’s to be expected. They are overwhelmed in the end by the light of goodness and truth.
The Israelis sadly, are the most hated people in the history of the world, mostly because of their government’s arrogance and genocide; they could hire a million students, it wouldn’t make one jot of difference. You can’t make a silk yarmulke out of a pig’s ear.
I feel very sorry for the ordinary Jews, the Israeli government is going to create a holocaust against them, once the balance of power shifts, and now the world has woken up to the deception and ‘goings on’ of the fascist Zionists’ attempt to take over the world.
I don’t mess with “community guidelines” as I never go on the sites. Facebook tracks your movements in real time after you log off, it acts like a GPS on your phone, so they know where you are as you move about your day. It’s a total violation of your privacy but you can’t stop Mr. Zuckercreep who owns Facebook, not yet anyway.
Yesterday, Facebook messed with the world wide Internet and anyone clicking CNN and a dozen other major sites were redirected to the Facebook log in page. Megalomania of the nerds.
Facebook as a company is collapsing, I believe it won’t be around in few years time, and its shares will become worthless, that should cheer you up a bit if I’m proved right, which I will be, I reckon. Their profits fell 95% since they scammed investors with the stock exchange launch.