Fame –Seeks Immortality
James Arthur – 2012 X Factor Winner
Fame and Fortune is the name of the game nowadays. Pop Idol, Britain’s Got Talent, Big Brother, X Factor; talent shows shoot ordinary people to stardom overnight.

The X Factor is the biggest talent show in Europe. 200,000 people auditioned for the latest series in the hope of stardom and becoming extraordinary.In 1968 Andy Warhol coined the expression 15 minutes of fame. He said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” We are addicted to the lime light, but the lime is very tricky and lures us into a specialness trap.
Parents will often live out their dreams vicariously through their children. So, a man who wished to be a famous boxer but never made it, now has high hopes for his son as a pop star. If a mother has a beautiful daughter and the child becomes famous, she basks in the reflected glory of the child. On looking into the mirror on the wall, she sees herself as an unknown queen, it boosts her ego, she is now Snow White’s mum.

The actress Brook Shields became famous at just 11 months, her mother masterminded her daughter’s career with ruthless precision. She was the original ‘momager’ (mum/manager).
In the USA sweet sixteen birthday parties allow young girls to become princesses for the day. These affairs can be huge, with a hired DJ, makeup, yachts, hair stylists and hotel ballrooms. During a special ceremony the birthday girl is presented with a high heeled shoe on a velvet pillow. Then, the girl’s mother places a tiara on her head, recreating the perfect fairy tale.
At a quantum level if you observe a particle it becomes solid, so being “observed” grants a human a feigned eternity, an immortality, an inner solidity. It’s a death avoidance mechanism really. Needing observers takes you up the garden path of disempowerment.
Try to go the other way, remember, I say it’s all backwards. You don’t need to be the next superstar, you just need to grow older with grace and a sense of serenity and calm. Then you will find a connection to your Higher Self, humility and unconditional love, which will help you swim to safety.
© Stuart Wilde 2013 – www.stuartwilde.com