Polish Horse Meat In Your Burgers

At first Burger King denied their products contained horse meat, but eventually it was proven by DNA that 80% of their Whoppers and Cheese burgers are horse meat that they buy on the cheap from Poland. So Burger King was caught red-handed and they had to admit to their crimes. Tesco and Aldi are in on it too.
Findus beef lasagne meals contain up to 100% horse meat and maybe some pasta as well, unless they are using polystyrene for pasta instead. These corporations are so cruel. Phenylbutazone, the drug used on horses, is not allowed in the food chain in Britain, as it may have adverse effects on human health.
The lads printed stickers that say HORSE for when you are at the supermarket, Burger King and places where they traffic horse meat. It’s a silent protest. The stickers are free, they mailed all the orders yesterday.
Here are two articles from the Daily Mail and the Independent in London, on the Polish horse meat story. Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com
www.independent.co.uk: Burgers scandal – Meat found to contain 80% horsemeat found in latest sample