10,000 Slaves of the Irish Catholic Church Seek Redress

10,000 women were incarcerated in Irish Catholic institutions called ‘The Magdalene Laundries’ (1922-1996), some were as young as 14 years old, they were forced to work as slaves. Many are now dead but their relatives have petitioned the Irish government for redress, they want payment of the back wages due and restoration of pension rights for the prisoners of the nuns in Magdalene system.
Young girls that got pregnant and those that were labeled as “fallen” or those thought to be in “danger of trouble” were sent to the Magdalene houses. Sometimes, girls that were very attractive were incarcerated as they might offer temptation of sex to men.
It is alleged that the money made from the slaves went to support the Catholic Church in Ireland. The Irish government has apologized to the victims of the Magdalene houses but they have not made any financial offer as yet. It is not known if legal actions have been taken against the Catholic Church or not.
There was a famous film called ‘The Magdalene Sisters’ that depicted the horrid conditions under which the women lived and worked. The film is moving but extremely heavy. The cruelty and evil of the nuns was intense.
Source: RT Russia Today
© Stuart Wilde 2013 – www.stuartwilde.com