Karma Drama Sniper Shot

I’m writing a piece on karma as I have been shown it. I’ll post it in a week or so.
We see karma as retribution, but it is more “completion”, as there is no vengeance to karma, it’s complex codes balancing themselves. Here is an interesting story of the US Army’s most famous sniper Chris Kyle, he killed over 150 people. He was shot to death aged 39 at a gun range by another soldier, who it was said was suffering from PTSS (post-traumatic stress syndrome).
If you are a sniper and you kill a man you don’t know that has never done you any harm, it creates a hole in the architecture of reality, a gap in the equation, and your death then fills that gap. I’m excited to write out the karma story but it is complex, as the feelings attached to an act of hatred travels like a rocket beyond this dimension through a mirror-world, before it finds you again. It has an identity, a code that describes the person that launched it, so it never misses or makes a mistake, even though it may seem wrong to us. Interesting eh? © Stuart Wilde 2013 – www.stuartwilde.com