Field of Dreams

We live in a mundane world, earning money, paying the rent and trying to keep our families fed. But beyond the control that that exercises over us, there is the field of dreams. Without the glory and the hope of the field of dreams we are sentenced to life on the mouse wheel, round and round, forever in the same place.
Early in life I learned to dream the impossible dream. It made me open to ridicule of course, but I didn’t care about that. I believed a strange dream that my old teacher told me. He said that one day we would be able to see into another world and that eventually we’d walk into that world and come back to tell about it. He suggested esoteric travelers should look for the hidden door.
I did that.
Then as my perception grew, I discovered it in the distance and so I walked towards it, inwardly that is. There is a singularity near the door of extreme gravity. The last few yards took years to get across. Then I got to stand at the threshold of the door.
Beyond, I saw the field of dreams was true, except it was vast compared to my concept of it. And then I found libraries of information in there that opened to even bigger fields, layer-upon-layer. There are beings in there that seem to be interested in how we do as humans. They exude a non-emotional, celestial love that is overwhelming in its beauty.
I went with them. I had to trust them because I couldn’t go back. If I went back I would have had to disappear my field of dreams. I’d rather falter and die than lose the field. Without a dream what is a man or a woman?
Even a silly dream like mine is better than no dream.
The world of the beings was painful; I was very inadequate and a lot of my darkness was still unresolved. I ploughed through that for three and a half years, but one day it all fell away. Then I saw a new field, but instead of me traveling towards it, it came to me, effortlessly. Once past the door and past your shadow, reality is no longer tied down to any one place, it comes towards you. In there you don’t go to Paris, it comes and gets you.
The concept can scramble your mind a bit when trying to comprehend it; you don’t find your dreams, they find you. We humans are inside out, upside down and backwards. In that celestial world we are in our correct alignment, it takes a while to adjust.
Never lose your dream, no matter how silly it is. Never. Without the currency of that, you might be lost forever. My guess is that your dream or something very similar will come true, if you walk diligently towards it that is.
Mine did.
Through trial and error I’ve learned the way now, and so now I have a new dream, I’ll take six hundred across if I am allowed to, and they in turn will take ten thousand of their own people. What happens after that, I don’t know. No one commands the doorway, it commands itself. It’s the shiny boots, ready-to-go dream.
© Stuart Wilde 2013