Fascinating Healings and Observations Amsterdam

This is from the same man that wrote in to say his partner’s lyphoma was cured in Bath, England. Here he talks about his observations in Ams, about cysts that have started to heal. Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com
see his previous article on healing a cancer of the blood.
Dear Stuart,
I am sending you this email to let you know of some interesting things that I observed during the Amsterdam seminar. At some instances, you appeared to be taller than you physically were, your aura seemed to really extend very high and expand outwards. While I was walking in the room when you were healing others, I saw what can only be described as a swirl of ‘energy’ that was of white light, almost gas like, fly over-head at the height of the ceiling and through me. I was watching you for some time while you were healing and I honestly saw a flash, which lasted for a few seconds, of a purple cross made of light with circular nodes just like the picture of the grid you have previously shown on your website. Fascinating stuff! After seeing this, I lost my focus and concentration with excitement.
During the healing, I found the bird sounds absolutely refreshing, but more so the ancient prayer you were chanting. I do not know exactly what you were saying, but it felt so right and it resonated with me. I wanted you to continue talking during the prayer. There was one more thing that comes to mind now, I was also diagnosed with corneal scarring of the left eye due to contact lens damage. While sitting there waiting for you to lay your hands on me, my left eye started to water and heal automatically. Unexplainable.
Even while I write this email, I cannot stop thinking about the event, as I am trying to recap the whole event just to ensure I have not left out anything. Your explanations of esoteric phenomena is phenomenal and I am personally grateful to you for spending time to explain things to me. I feel truly honoured and humbled. I have so many questions that I would like to ask you with regards to the multitude of dimensions. However, I shall note these down for now and look forward to discussing these with yourself at other events.
Just a final thought, God itself is of love and of light and we are all from the divine light, could the soul be considered to be a spiritual photon?
With very best regards,