Communicate with Compassion

It is important to communicate with those around us in a soft and kind way.

Our inner sentiments have to be genuinely open hearted and tender, otherwise the communication is marred.

Only 7% of any message is in fact conveyed using words. It’s often the ‘silent messages’ a gentle look, a kind smile, a delicate touch, plus the resonance of someone’s voice that conveys the message.

It is important to stay balanced and calm, to avoid harsh words and cruelty in what we say to others, as this is a sign of a controlling and cold heart, one that does not want to hear how another person feels, but is run by its own agenda and power trips.

If you are angry, you caste a dark shadow over another and if the feeling behind your words is in any way malicious, it will also be felt by the other person.

Practise talking to people with kindness no matter what. Perhaps, try this, imagine you are pulling your ego from above your head to the ground below your feet. In this way you will act from a place of humility and respect.

Look at it as a challenge for one week, if you find this difficult. You will change your inner programme from one of  impatience into one of patience and you will be free to express yourself with clarity and beauty.
Stuart Wilde



Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >