Pub Talk

I popped into the pub (the Dog & Duck) for a drink. Some villains were talking in loud voices. One said he made £11,000 last week, and another complained that times were tough and he only made £2,500. I kept “stum” as I haven’t made a shilling in three and a half months. We need to fix World Poverty right away — I’m broke–tee hee.
I wondered if the lads in the pub wanted a “metaphysical advisor” for some of their activities, then I thought better of it and I didn’t offer my services. I had a single whisky, then I splashed out for a second single whisky. Flow is easy, you just have to get out of the pub and go to work. Stuart Wilde
Some very kind readers (about 10) send a few donations each month so that is a blessing…to be sure.