Missile Shields–Tee Hee

The US has delivered (free) a missile shield to protect Israel, it’s called the Iron Dome. It includes Patriot missiles that have the extraordinary record of never ever having hit an incoming missile ever.

Source Press TV: As American President Barack Obama hailed the ‘resounding success’ of Israel’s US-financed Iron Dome antimissile system on the first of his tour there, missile experts have newly unveiled that Iron Dome’s success rate during the regime’s November war on Gaza was as low as zero.
While Obama used his Wednesday’s tour of an Iron Dome installation, “celebrating a technological wonder built with the help of American dollars” and seeking to showcase US support of the Zionist regime, there was no mention about the “intensifying debate” on whether the promotion of the system’s success rate was “more illusory than real,” says a The New York Times article on Thursday.’
SW: The Americans have built a vast underground city in Israel (given free), costing several billions dollars so it is reported. It’s for the elite to hide in when and if the Iron Dome fails. The citizen were given gas masks instead. In a nuclear attack the rubber melts and one winds up with a hot melting rubber octopus on one’s face. It’s not very fair. Stuart Wilde www.stuartwilde.com