The Black Hearted Duck at Disneyland

A sweet looking family called Mr and Mrs White, are in fact black. Donald Duck at Disneyland is white and yellow. He refuses to hug black kids, which must be a great disappointment for the little children, given they have to queue up and wait in the hot sun to hug the racist git.
Disney is now being sued by two families for racial discrimination. In this day and age you’d think Disney would act properly towards people. It costs $360 for a family of four to get a day pass, they would be entitled to have a good time.
Donald Duck’s outfit ought to be black with an afro wig…ducks don’t have hair but then Disney aren’t concerned with accuracy and truth. They own the ABC network, that well-known mouthpiece for propaganda and falsehoods that sold America the 911 lie. They also own Pixar Animation studios, Lucas Films and 80% of ESPN and 50% of the A&E networks …so they have a lot to lose if people start to shun them for their race hate approach to people. I hope Mr & Mrs White get a million or more. Stuart Wilde