The End of Bull Fighting is Coming on at Speed

I have a dear friend in Spain that tracks bullfighting news for me, she recently wrote a report, an update on how bullfighting is dying a fast death. The bull festivals are down nearly 50%, the gorings and injuries have skyrocketed. The bulls learnt to twist their horns as they passed the matador, avoiding the cape and striking for his heart instead. That move began two years ago and it increased as more and more bulls learnt it through an inner communication which I would call the group soul of the bulls. Many of the famous fighters have curtailed appearances because of injury. Here is her report from Spain, it’s very thorough and a facinating read.
Bull Fighting Report from Ms W.D Denia, Spain
Dear Stuart,
The Mayor of Bogota Columbia has closed the Plaza de Toros La Santamaria in Columbia for bull fighting since June, it seems he has now been overruled in the courts.
The hospitals in Spain were kept busy including intensive care as the gorings incremented this past season, the main season/events end in October. However, the season in South America has begun.
Jose juan Padilla (blinded in one eye partial facial paralysis etc since being gored last October) is back and still fighting. The Legendary fighter Jose Tomas greatly reduced his number of fights, as a result of his near fatal goring it seems.
• Number of bull fighting fiestas down by 40% since 2007 in Spain.according to some reports. However, have read tonight a report which says down by 54% , i.e. 2,.174 festivals in the year 2007 to just 1,010 this year 2012
• As a result of the economic situation fighting bulls are being sold for seasonal street torture events and the slaughter house. Reports say it costs 4-5000 Euros to produce a fighting bull, recouping costs at the slaughter house are around 500 euros just 10% ..
• Commentators from broadsheet journalists, to popular media say the bull fighting sector is one of those sectors most punished by the economic crisis. The bull fighting fiestas/festivals are plummeting.
• 7.8.12 Antonio Lorca a respected Spanish writer on bull fighting matters wrote in El Pais ( likeThe Times) that there is … “ an alarming fall in spectators at the festivals which reflects the crisis of a spectacular which has lost its artistic identity” he laments that today only Jose Tomas can bring back full bull rings .
• The “puntilla” is the dagger used to sever the bull’s spinal cord as it lays dying. The Spanish proverb to “Dar la puntilla” means to put an end to something, like the last straw, now… the bull fighting sector complains that Spanish VAT ( IVA) raised from 18% to 21% is the puntilla for their industry!
• 26.9.12 Adolfo Martin aged 65, arrogant owner of famous bull breeding ranch in Escurial Caceres Spain, was helicoptered to hospital after having been gored while loading bulls for the slaughter house. Lung and liver damage, much loss of blood, intensive care and 4 hour operation.
• 5.10.12 Celebrated Mexican matador Mariano Ramos aged 59 years, died of respiratory and renal failure not linked to goring. It is reported he was never gored in his career.
• 7.10.12 big impact Cayetano Rivera Ordonez ( November 2009 visions list) appeared for the last time, though it was announced he was leaving the ring temporarily.
• Cayetano’s statement said its a carefully considered decision (chuckle) a “pause” he has other dreams and projects after dedicating the past 8 years to his profession etc. Says he will continue to support bull fighting .
As posted he has been gored at various times recently. From a long line of matadors he is very prominent, a socialite, connections with royalty etc., has appeared on the catwalk for Arrmani
in Vogue and an advertising campaign for Loewe .
• 13.10.12 Francisco Rivera Ordonez brother of Cayetano (November 2009 visions list) quit the ring just 6 days after his brother. His last fight was in Zaragoza there was no prior announcement. Big impact .
• He was controversially awarded the “Fine Arts” Gold Medal in 2009 by the ministry of Culture for his bullfighting etc presented by the King of Spain. Francisco was once married to the Duchess of Alba’s daughter etc.
Sample Gorings
•29.9.12 Matador “Chocolate” Juan Jose Bellido, junior matador gored in the neck in Ayllon Spain helicopted to hospital.
•“ “ Matador Ruiz Miguel a quiet.. veteran and well respected Spanish matador aged 63 is reported to make a definate “farewell” to bull fighting once his recuperation is complete.
•He was gored in Tarifa Spain in August 4 broken ribs affecting plural cavity etc .
•27.9.12 Sebastian Ritter junior matador “Novillero” gored in the scrotum x leg 2 trajectories 30cms and 15 cms in Arnendo Spain.
•22-23rd September 2012 a leading Spanish website reported, listed and showed pictures of gorings stating “This is the truth”
•22.9.12 El Cid gored Seville
“ “ Paul Rivera gored Zaragoza
23 9. 12. Mario Alcalde gored Madrid
“ “ Luis Blasquez gored Seville
“ “ Alberto Pozo gored Moralzarzal
• 9.10,12 Ismael Cuevas junior matadaor ( a novillero) neck broken in Mijas Spain C7 fractured plus inflammation of the spinal medulla.. ( 9 hour operation paralysed in left leg, one report says … he will be able to walk in 6 months…
Sincerely Ms. W.D. Denia, Spain