X Marks the Spot

To make a strong message we have to band together. I said we should all dance for 30 seconds each day as an affirmation of our impending victory. http://www.stuartwilde.com/2012/11/dance-for-victory/
Our collective light consciousness is stronger than the dark, so we can rest in the knowledge of that, and seek others of like mind. We are all linked internally as brothers and sisters in the light of the inner worlds, but it is important to join others and laugh and celebrate and hang out, and share ideas, and act silly at times, watering the postman with your hose, you have to allow your soul to breathe and to rest from the pressure of daily life.
Seriousness is a disease of the ego, banish it from your life, laugh, mock the dark for trying to frighten you, prove to it how useless the tactic was. Show it how your light is so strong you can fry it in an instance. So be it. Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)