War Not Yet

I’ve sat on my bed at 3 am in the morning for years praying to the deaf gods. I used to fire hearing aids at them in the hope of a solid, accurate and timely reply. For years I didn’t understand why that did not work, then I realized I had not put batteries in the hearing aids. TWIT.
Seriously though, one day recently I saw a golden arch over my head made up of gold rings interlinked. Since then I’ve been able to get through and get an accurate response about six hours after posing a question. I don’t ask many as I don’t want to push my luck.
The ghouls have been beaten back and so now the line is ever clearer with everyday that passes.

Two nights ago I asked about the war In Iran as I was concerned about food shortages, I saw a crystal clear vision of Jesus with his finger up. His hand a bit lower than in this pic here, I heard the word “Wait”. So I reckon the war is not on as yet. No need to panic.
I don’t think the Jews will attack Iran on their own, they have been threatening it for ten years or more, and they haven’t done diddly-squat so far, they need the Americans to fight for them, it’s so sad the Yanks go and die in wars that are nothing to do with them.

Romney has promised war and Obama may go in to help the Jews, but only after the election in November. It’s all very troubling but this is the age of the psychopaths.
Meanwhile there is a Third Force developing, I’ll write about it more in detail, it’s the American military. They may not back Obama and the Zionists, there are new developments. The military are pro-America and pro the Constitution, and they are anti the Zionists, and the bent Illuminati bankers, and they are also against Obama, who in fact is their supreme commander. Interesting eh?
If the military mount a coup d’ etat in Washington, that will solve things over night. Peace at last. Stuart Wilde
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.