Spirituality & Dissent
If you are a spiritual person there may be many things in the world around you that are troubling and sometimes scary, as the forces of control close in on our societies. But the arrival of this fascism was predicted a long time ago, I wrote about it in ‘God’s Gladiators‘ in 2001. My ol’ teacher spoke of it in precise terms 37 years ago. It has to be. It’s part of our spiritual evolution for it to come out and for us to see it.
The evil we see today has been hidden in men’s souls for thousands of years since the Egyptians, and before in Sumeria, it could not all come out 500 years ago say, as there was not the fast information flow of today. For humans to see the evil they have to know about it. See?
The great secret is learn not to react. No matter how unfair and threatening it might be. If you fall for the fear and the anger you are sucked into their world. Inside all evil there is a pre-programmed God-code, a celestial mathematics that allows for its destruction. That is how the celestial world keeps itself safe, if the code were not there this world would have already been overrun thousands of years ago. The fact that there is still some common decency proves the code is there.
The Mayans were black magicians they disappeared over night, the Romans were a blood cult, they fell, The Nazis were destroyed, and ObamaScare will be defeated in the end. He’s not well in his head.
You don’t have to fight, you just have to be calm and wait.
Learn to walk away in your mind, know you can live in your own happy world, mainly outside of the thought forms and fears of others and beyond the Matrix of evil.

Scale down, become fluid and mobile, and work at whatever job or business or money flow you have right now, even if it’s ghastly, suffer it, while the possibility is still there, and buy a little gold every month, even if it’s a 1/10th of an ounce at a time.
State sponsored violence and control is a cancer, you can have a compassion for a cancer victim even when you know the disease is terminal. None of the ugliness lasts.
The leaders can’t see it, as they have never seen the hell worlds, if they could see that black dimension for even ten minutes they would be terrified, and they would change instantly, but that would be too easy, they don’t deserve that gift.
And they know nothing about the fractal codes that protect reality that will melt them from inside, so they feel supreme in their power, for now anyway.
They are fallen spirits that incarnated from hell in the first place, often born to cruel abusive parents. The celestial elastic twangs them back there, things go wrong, plots are hatched, a new evil rises to rub out a weaker one and so forth.
Make a divine order around you and rest in the simplicity of that, and know the God-light will protect you and show you the way. Stuart Wilde
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.