911 & the Fate of The Jews
At 3 a.m. this morning I got up and prayed for the firemen and office workers that died in 911. I felt for them, they were betrayed.

The official story of 911 has been shot to bits. It was a coup d’etat. The Moslems were innocent. 911 established the final take over of America by the Israeli Zionists. A lot of high-up government officials in the US are Israelis with American passports.
The heist brought in the Patriot act, the phony war on terror (there is no Al Qaeda), Home Land Security, endless surveillance and nastiness; Carl Levin’s arrest without trial law (NDAA); and the American army was ordered to go to war and suffer casualties against the Moslem enemies of Israel, like Iraq (one million Iraqis died) Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan.
While 911 marked the start of the full Israeli Zionist take over of America, it also marks the end. Strange but true.
Four whistle blowers from American Government agencies came forward in the last few months claiming the CIA knew of 911 months in advance and that the Israelis did it. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld ordered the US Air Force not to defend NY when it was being attacked, so they were in on it.
One of five Israeli Mossad agents that was caught near the towers celebrating the hit and the American dead, appeared on Israeli TV to say he was not involved in the attack, he was just ordered to NY to document the event. The Israelis had advance knowledge. And there is now a mass of new evidence emerging that the Jews did 911. If that it so the politicians were callous attacking the Americans that have been so very kind to Israel over the decades.
American citizens probably won’t attack the Jews over 911 when it all comes out, but they will strike when Wall Street collapses, as they will blame Bernanke and the Feds, and the bent banks on Wall Street, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller Warburg, and Goldman Saks. Then the second holocaust starts, which won’t be fair on innocent Jews, anymore than the ordinary British are guilty for the murders and crimes of Tony Blair, or just as 68% of Germans did not vote for Hitler in 1933.
A Jewish friend at dinner said she knew the second holocaust was coming and what should she do?
I told her give up on being Jewish and being a supremacist as that is devilish, and I said she should stop pretending to be special and stop calling non-Jews goyim (cattle), as that is racist and unfair, and she should drop Israel and the holocaust story and all that malarkey and become eternal instead.
I told her to be kind and compassionate to Jews and non-Jews alike, and to develop love and softness for animals and humans, in this way she’d escape the Matrix and the fate of the Jews, and become an eternal celestial female beyond the control and limitations of being a Jewish female. The celestial female becomes invisible as she is not hooked in emotionally to the affaires and the mindset of mankind. I told her to leave the US quickly when Walls Street falls.
The fate of the global controllers and war mongers is for their reign to be destroyed, and then the people will be set free to walk to a golden world. Stuart Wilde
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.