On Healing Radiation Poisoning

When I do my hands-on healings, I first test people for radiation with a geiger counter. The reason is, I was given an extra process via a set of visions of how to get rid of radiation. It’s a fractal code, imagine it as a curtain of tumbling blue and purple triangles—it looks like purple rain to me.

99.99% of the people are normal, they test in the middle range of 5 to 60 cpms about 30-35 on the S.E International Inspector machine I have that is pictured here.

Geiger Counter


I did 40 healings in Holland this week, a lady came along that had a reading of 66. So I breathed the purple rain on her through her crown chakra three times, her reading fell to 44 cpms when I tested her again a few minutes later.

It’s good to know the purple rain works. I’m learning a lot. Stuart Wilde

© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >