On Healing Radiation Poisoning
When I do my hands-on healings, I first test people for radiation with a geiger counter. The reason is, I was given an extra process via a set of visions of how to get rid of radiation. It’s a fractal code, imagine it as a curtain of tumbling blue and purple triangles—it looks like purple rain to me.
99.99% of the people are normal, they test in the middle range of 5 to 60 cpms about 30-35 on the S.E International Inspector machine I have that is pictured here.

I did 40 healings in Holland this week, a lady came along that had a reading of 66. So I breathed the purple rain on her through her crown chakra three times, her reading fell to 44 cpms when I tested her again a few minutes later.
It’s good to know the purple rain works. I’m learning a lot. Stuart Wilde
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
www.stuartwilde.com — All rights reserved.