On Healing a Paralysis
A lady kindly wrote in to say she was cured of paralysis she suffered from a stroke… I’m so happy for her. Here is what she wrote…I edited it a bit as it was quite long.
Dear Stuart,
One month ago, you very generously gave me two individual healing sessions in Wales plus one “two at a time” healing session at Buckland Hall.
Ten weeks earlier, I had suffered a left thalamic stroke which had left me paralysed down my right side. I was unable to read, write and speak intelligibly. I couldn’t do anything unassisted, and I was in a high-dependency hospital ward for two weeks, and in the hospital’s stroke rehabilitation unit for a further two weeks….I had to be in wheelchair to travel and I could only climb stairs with great difficulty and with the aid of my husband.
Now I am bursting to tell you that the progress I made in the weeks immediately following your healing was nothing short of remarkable. Within a fortnight I was walking one or two miles a day on the old cobblestones of the Innere Stadt, Vienna. I easily walked up and down flights of marble stairs in museums and art galleries, negotiated numerous escalators unaided, and on one occasion I walked down more than 80 slippery, wet, stone steps to an underground lake – and I walked back up them again without even stopping. My clumsiness has disappeared, and I even managed to do some mending for my son with a needle that I threaded myself. Wow!
I hope you can tell from this email that I have substantially recovered my language fluency, and my dexterity with using a keyboard. The improvement in my lifestyle generally has been more than I dreamed possible in such a short time. Thank you, and the healing Jesus hands you saw, with all my heart.
With love and gratitude,
LW, Australia
© 2012 — Stuart Wilde.
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