UFO Conspiracy Theories
This is another in my series on popular Conspiracy Theories.
UFO theories of solid space aliens are centered around the alleged crash of a craft in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, 1947.
UFOs are complex devil beings that can shape-shift and fly, they morph into various shapes, NASA and the authorities know they are not solid.

Regan made a famous speech saying that in the event of an extraterrestrial attack, the world would unite as one, under a New World Order. Kissinger has also mentioned a UFO attack.
The solid UFO myth is part of propagating the solid UFO attack idea. With modern holograms, a staged fly past of thousands of UFOs and a feigned attack would be possible to achieve.
Modern astronomy has confirmed that there are millions of earth-like planets in our galaxy, and possibly billions in the universe. So it is faintly possible a high-tech, craft owing civilization exist, but the distances are so vast, contact seems very remote. The UFOs on earth are nothing to do with outer space.
The morph phenomena that we watch each day makes reality become less solid; the walls go soapy-looking, it also lights up the UFOs overhead providing it’s a cloudless day.
In any patch of blue sky over you, there are two hundred UFOs flying about that you can’t normally see.
Some are disks, others are flying triangles (they mimic our planes), then there are flying oil barrels, and UFOs that look like walking sticks with a curved handles, and brown blobs, they are the most common. Over 50% of all UFOs are brown blobs. I’d guess there are as many UFOs over us as there are humans on earth, if not more.
The UFOs can read your mind and they can fire thoughts at you, making you think their thoughts are your own. They can make you believe in them and their feigned power. They are like ghosts that can shape-shift, they couldn’t lift a teaspoon, peel a carrot, or put a plug in a bath!
A subset of the UFOs are the Reptiles & the Grays
Greys are manufactured on assembly lines, in the mechanical hell worlds, they are non-solid drones, so they can walk through walls.They have a rudimentary consciousness, a collective consciousness, but each does not have a mind of its own. It follows its drone program. You can easily confuse them.
Three showed up when I was on the computer typing one afternoon. I shouted in a loud voice “You’re late. Tea with the Pope is at four o’clock, piss off.” They fled.
Behind the UFOs are the reptiles. Why I believe this is true is because on another occasion I saw a Grey standing in my bedroom in broad daylight. I went very fast through its eye with my mind, there was a reptile behind it. And a UFO 20-30 feet in diameter was hovering over head at the time.
The solid UFO misinformation is part of a possible fake attack scenario to help establish a one-world government. It will fail, or the idea will never be used.
In the early days of the Morph 2001, I was given some celestial bangles. The one on my left wrist flew like a guided missile, and the one on the right was a power source, it didn’t fly. I’d flick the left bangle at a UFO, and a flying triangle would tumble through the sky in an arced trajectory, it seemed guided. When it hit the UFO, the UFO would wobble like Jell-O on a plate and then fall towards the ground.
I had sight of the bangles for about two months then the UFOs went elsewhere. Nowadays when there are UFOs about, the left bangle activates with a prickling sensation to warn me, but I can’t see it light up as I did in the olden days. I liked the bangles I miss them.
If the UFOs are over head bothering you, say in loud voice “I’m with Stuart Wilde, “F” off”. They get scared and leave. This unlikely method has been tried and tested by many, many people over the years, so we know it works.
Use confusion on the Grey and spit at the reptiles so they know you are not scared of them, then blow love. I used to moon the UFOs and drop m’ draws but that is not recommended.
If the Governments start mentioning the UFO threat, you’ll know is all cobblers. Stuart Wilde
London UFO: I saw a UFO over London. It looked like a Dalek from the Dr. Who TV series. They would go around saying in a mechanical voice, “exterminate, exterminate”.
I reckon the UFOs are getting into position for the London Olympic Games—July 27th ‘til August 12th. There was a flashing light on the top of it. Some conspiracy theorists say there will be a false flag, terror attack at the Olympics. I’ve not been shown that in visions, so I can’t confirm it. SW
Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)
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