New World Order (Part 2) Missile Visions

Stuart Wilde (
©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved

In the Sex & the New World Disorder article, I explained how the Zionists that control Congress and the White House hope for a one-world government and one-world money, with them and their bankers at the top. But in order for that to come about, there has to be a crisis, or people won’t accept the new currency and the imposed control mechanisms.

For three nights in a row I’ve seen a missile that is fired from a submarine that is on the water. The Germans just gave Israel a free nuclear sub as a present.

Iran won’t attack Israel because Israel have 300 nuclear warheads, so the only way to have a crisis is for Israel to attack itself and blame Iran, or they can wallop an American ship as they did when they attacked the American navy cruiser Liberty (1967).

So it’s all so easy to figure out.

What do the Israeli Zionists in the American Congress gain by passing horrid laws against the Constitution and the American people, how does it profit them?

It protects them. The new NDAA — Arrest Without Trial Law is so dissidents can be rounded up before they attack Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, or before they shoot up the Congressmen and women who voted for the bills.

For a Zionist World Order to come about, a global crisis is vital in order to rocket fuel prices, annihilate assets values, and destroy the fabric of daily life.

In this way, the bent politicians can pick up the pieces, declare martial law and confirm Zionism onto a  global throne, not just an American throne.

I explained the current New World Order is a tired, old fashioned concept invented by old fogeys like Bush Senior, it was the dream of dying men, but the Zionist Empire is very real, and powerful. They seem to pass whatever laws they want over the American people.

I don’t know when the missile I saw is fired, it could be tomorrow, or next week, or even a year or two, but when it is you’ll know the phony crisis will have started. Embrace love and good will to all people even if they are very ugly. Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde (
©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >