The Purple Grid

Years ago some cubes appeared in the lines of my hands. There are two particularly prominent cubes that are still there in the center of both my hands. Next to the first cubes, there appeared, again in the lines on my hands, the letters H1N1, which you may know is a subtype of the influenza A virus.








Since then I’ve seen a hundred visions of angry chickens, part of the karma of being abused and slaughtered by humans. Global Avian flu must be close.

But then a few days ago at a healing gig in Ireland, I saw a purple grid appear in my hands hovering over the palms, it looked a bit like this graphic here.








Then an American broadcaster, who is a great visionary told me she has seen the purple grids forming over the land in the US and in various parts of the world. It’s like a heavy weight protection from bandits and the ghouls hovering in the air over people’s houses.

If you want the grid over you, visualize it and pray for it and see if it comes. It’s part of the process of creating heaven on earth now.

There is a lot to learn, a vast amount. But the corner has been turned and we are in the ascendance once more. Over the last few months, I’ve seen hundred of visions of the liars being crushed and sometimes their heads fall off, some of the people I’ve seen are very famous, like Rupert Murdoch. Some have already died or they have fallen in some way.

And I saw the pop singer, Amy Whitehouse in the hell worlds. I prayed for her to get better. And there were a host of others I saw that I’d better not mention for now.   Stuart Wilde

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©2012 Stuart Wilde.  All rights reserved


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >