Ayahuasca and Healing

The kind of fractal codes we see in the healings

I was with an American man at one of our Aya’ gigs in Ecuador. He was sinister in his evil and very arrogant. But that night he saw the golden light of God and the celestial fractals. They came to rescue his soul, it was an epiphany, he understood the error of his ugly life.

He was crying in my arms. I had a compassion for him as he seemed to be trying hard to understand. So I sat with him for an hour in a beautiful garden under the splendor of the southern stars, holding his hand and explaining things to him.

He told me he wanted to change his life as a businessman and become a healer and help other see the truth. He seemed genuine.

Aya’ is a gift from God because it takes people back to God, they exits their hells and become free once more.

And the miracle brew heals depression, more or less instantly, and it kills worms and parasites in the gut, and then it has a higher purpose, as it defeats the ghouls in humans that cause pain and aliments.

About 4500+ of the Stuie Wilde’s people have been to the Aya’ in various locations around the world. I’m very proud of that as it makes a golden link between us, that is now in several hundred countries round the world.

When people have the codes inside them, they heal others walking past them. I’ve been shown that in the past.

In all the ugliness in the world, there is a lot of hope as well, a lot of inner beauty. All the best, Stuie Wilde

Workshop 1: Tuesday, April 17th – Saturday, April 21st, 2012
Workshop 2: Tuesday, April 24th – Saturday, April 28th, 2012

Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com)
©2012 Stuart Wilde. All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >