Sacred Ceremony—Winter Solstice December 21st

The Taoist monks of old China had a ceremony at the time of the winter solstice to bid farewell to the old sun and to greet the birth of the new sun.

They would sit and tap with little bones tappers on a refectory table in a dining room for seventy-two hours non-stop, and they would fast. As a detox’ they drank a small glass of plum wine every four hours with a large glass of water. We drink a pint of water after the wine.

Taoist Temple

We gather for the ceremony each year and a doorway opens and we see what is up ahead, it’s very special—we are shown things that normally we would not be able to see and we are somewhat healed of our sins and dysfunctions, it is a re-birth for us all.

You can do the ceremony on your own, or with friends if you like, and if there are not enough of you to tap continuously over the three days then you can use the tapping mediation mp3, which is here under AUDIO, click Etruscan Healing—it is a pay-what-you-want download. Then put the track in iTunes on repeat for when you are not able to tap yourself.

We start at the end of the 19th at midnight at the start of the 20th, and we finish at the end of the 22nd at midnight just as the 23rd is about to begin, and then we drink soup and hang out and celebrate.

“Thus it was written so it shall be done”. Stuart Wilde (

© Stuart Wilde 2011 All rights reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >