Interesting Sheiks of Arabia
Writing about the Sheiks of Arabia is generally speaking, deadly boring. But I’ve seen some interesting stuff and when these fat sheiks go, our world will change dramatically, because of the price of oil.
I’ve seen six visions of two different sheiks fall in the Aluna, but I didn’t know at the time who they were. About five weeks ago, Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz al Saud of Saudi Arabia died of natural causes, he was one of the two I saw.

Bin Abdulaziz was the defense minister and the heir to the Saudi Arabian throne, which I have predicted won’t exist in a few years time. The Saudi kings will fall.
The other sheik I saw fall, is the King of Bahrain—Hamad bin Isa.
Hamad’s troops have shot, killed and tortured many hundreds of unarmed protestors. The Saudi army crossed over the border to help in the massacres. Hamad has since asked his troops not to kill people—very kind.
It’s been reported by WikiLeaks, that Trovicor, a former subsidiary of Nokia Siemens Networks, is used to intercept and tap the communications of all Bahraini citizens. So the nervy sheik is watching closely.
But the passing of Gaddafi and the arrest of his son, frightened some of the sheiks, as they know they may be indicted for crimes against humanity. And Gbagbo the former leader of Sierra Leon, has just been shipped to the International Criminal Court in the Hague for trial.
Gbagbo (not be confused with our mate, the now slightly dead Gadbro of Libya), is indicted for torture and murder. It seems the age when fat kings murder people that irritate them, is passing.

Hamad of Bahrain may not die, but I reckon he’ll topple.
How I know for certain these cruel rulers are destined to go belly up, is because I’m watching the forces of light in the inner words. They are assigned the job of cleaning up and liberating the oppressed populations of the world.
I know of course, such a statement might sound a bit dippy, but the visions that have been given to me, especially the political ones, have a very long track record of being exactly right. And then sometimes, on rare occasions, I’ve been conned by a ghoul–feed, but that doesn’t seem to happen very often anymore.
The forces of light are vast “inner world” golden armies beyond our comprehension. I’ve seen them many, many times. They are here to change the world, by changing the reality in the inner worlds and if it changes there, it will change here in 3-D. They won’t let the liars and murderers go.
Tony Blair, who caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, by lying about weapons of mass destruction to propagate his war against them, has managed to avoid the forces of retribution, so far anyway.
I’ve seen him many times in the Aluna Mirror World. He’s very nimble, it’s fascinating to watch him. I’ve also seen him with the former PM of Canada, Mulroney. I don’t know how they are linked. Still I’ll have ten pounds each way at the betting office, that the forces of light topple Blair in the end.
It is said that Blair got £8+ million from the government of oil rich Kazakhstan, to go around and tell the world they are jolly decent people. If you have to pay $8+ mill’ to con people into thinking you are decent, it raises suspicion.
A superior force has arrived, one that I talk about in my books like “The Art of Redemption”, and other books …. “wot I writ over the years”.
There is hope yet for our downtrodden souls to breathe free at last. (sw)
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