When is World War III, Mummy?

There is a lot of talk on the Internet about a possible World War III.

The Jews feel threatened, they want to attack Iran. It’s claimed that Iran has enough plutonium to make four nuclear bombs. Why would a country with four unmade bombs attack Israel that has 300 nuclear warheads at-the-ready? An attack by Iran seems highly unlikely, it would be suicidal. The Jewish claim of a threat is nonsense.

If the Jews do whack Iran, then Iran will retaliate and close the Straits of Hormuz, a narrow channel through which the Gulf oil passes.

Oil will rocket to $200 a barrel or more, which would crash the economies of the world and severely hurt ordinary workers on low incomes.

Russia and China don’t like the Jews, and they have made a few saber rattling remarks this week, saying that an attack on Iran will have “dire consequences”.

Both Russia and China sell missiles and arms to Iran, Syria and Turkey. So one could see a war between Israel and its two main subordinate satellite states—America and the UK, versus Iran, Turkey, Syria, Russia and China.

The Pressy of Israel, a chap named Net ‘n’ Yahoo.dot.bomb, got his name here because he’s offered to nuke the Arabs in the past. So the situation with Iran is rather fraught with danger.

When is the next World War, Mummy?

We can’t say. We don’t know how paranoiac and crazy these people might become. But myself and the other visionaries have seen visions of the Holy Lands and Palestine completely devoid of people—a Mad Max wasteland of destroyed ego trips.

We have to blow love at everyone; the Jews and Iran, and pray for peace and hope the craziness is just talk and posturing. But history is replete with the pain and loss that ordinary people endured at the hands of insane rulers.

We must hope that love triumphs in the end; power trips and megalomania are laid to waste, and the people don’t suffer any more, be they Jews, Moslems, Christians, or little green people with TV antennas on their heads. (sw)

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Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >