Stock Operators Update

When I closed the stuartwilde blog recently, I stopped writing predictions based on my visions for the stock operators/traders amongst you. I’ve been writing for free for more than a decade, and there is a new light I have to look after now, it’s is not a material thing, it’s very sacred. It’s going very fast.

Okay. Here’s my update but I’m not doing it twice a week like before. I might do a to pay-to-ask service for personal questions but not yet. But here’s what you need for the next few months. Hope this helps.


FXP–China short: I was suggesting this ETF at $28, or you could have sold a put option, the stock made $44 last week. If it falls buy it, or sell put options that will become worthless if the ETF goes up. I said months ago China is a crock and their real estate is collapsing, and their banks are very suspect because of fraudulent accounting.

EEV–Emerging markets short: I said the emerging markets ain’t emerging. EEV the short ETF has gone up from $30 to $44 you must have made money on that. Pleeeeeze say you did!!!

EUO: The short euro fund is good. The euro will collapse maybe down to parity with the dollar. I sold Jan 2013 strike $18 puts, and I used that money to buy Jan 2013 strike $19 calls. May 2012 options would be just as good, it’s like a free trade. The puts you sell pay for the calls you buy. Luffly bubbly.

Gold and Silver: I said these assets would tank unfortunately I didn’t take my own advice—I had too much of both of them ….stuuuupid!

So I fixed it recently by filling ma boots with more gold and silver to average down. I bought at $1630 for gold and $31 for silver. I’m over 80% of my total assets in these now. I expect $2500 for gold and $80 silver eventually.

SPA: Spanish Mountain gold….a good mining play, trades at 73c—78c expected to go to $2.00. I bought a small position.

GKP: LSE–Gulf Keystone. An oil company with billions is proven reserves, expected to go to £5.00 from £1.38 now. Trades in London. But watch for US oil to come down to $72 range then buy GKP. I’ve bought a small position.

I saw the oil ETF Hou.To in a vision, down at $3.20 it was at $8 at the time, it’s down at $4.30 right now and still falling, so not far off the bottom that I saw. Then I saw another vision and it had gone up to $21.20—could be good. Riots in Saudi Arabia would help us. Or a hit in Bahrain. I’m not in Hou.To right now.


The big crash could be this month but no one knows. Europe is toast, awash with debt, lies and social upheaval. Japan is finished, the radiation is way more than the government admits to.

FAZ the financial short is a good long term America-down bet, sell the ‘at the money’ Nov puts. I’ve got SPXU a S&P short. TZA is the small cap short. It’s up at $52.95 from where I suggested it at $38 two months ago…

Kodak crashed Friday, and CRM which we spoke of some time ago as way over priced, when it was at $135….closed at $114.28 Friday. I expect it under $80 eventually.

All the lies are coming home to roost; Wall Street has thousands of rioters camped on its doorstep. They have been there twelve days, they are just like the kids that camped in the center of Cairo to bring that corruption down. All’s well on the short side. Long gold, long silver, and wait for long oil.

Pensions are dying, if you have not already gotten out of that you are in trouble, the Dow could fall to 7000 from here so you have to wonder what to do. Seek advice. (sw)

© Copyright 2011 – Stuart Wilde – All Rights Reserved.


Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher that has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, Read the full Stuart Wilde Bio >